Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Parent Teacher Conference Time....

I am proud to say that we had a great parent teacher conference.  Initially I was concerned that my 8 year old had so many "2"s on her report card (A "1" means you are below expectations.  A "2" means you are basically approaching target.  a "3" is meeting expectations, and a "4" is exceeding).  However, we have a great new teacher this year who has set the bar high.  I love that. 

We arrived to the PTC early (as requested) to review the report card.  We circled the 2's and talked about them a little.  Then we wrote the words, "Action Plan" on the back of her report card.  We talked a little about what that meant.  I told her I am so proud - no 1's, a lot of 3's.  I explained that it is great to know where our opportunities are and not to be concerned.  She was very positive.  So we hit up the book fair before our meeting and got some fun stuff.

In the meeting I was hoping this new teacher would not hate me...I am a very involved parent.  She is very much like me - likes control.  However she loved it!  She told Zanayah she was lucky...THANK YOU!  She may not feel so lucky later!!

We talked about each area and what we could do to continue to improve. She kept telling me I did not have to be concerned.  It was the first meeting.  I kept saying, I am not - however I want to make sure I am doing my part! 

I actually learned I own quite a bit of our action plan.  When Zanayah asks me to read aloud to her I always say no! I thought she should be doing the reading.  However, I am supposed to do some of the reading.  At this age kids will read without pausing for periods or using voice inflection.  The teacher wants me to read so Zanayah can hear how a story should sound, rather than one continuous sentance.

So why am I writing this blog?  I spent quite a while trying to find some worksheets and activities to do with Zanayah at home.  Stuff that was sort of fun.  I found this website and I love it:  They have other grades as well!  I printed a bunch of things and told Zanayah we would work out some reward system for her going "above and beyond" her homework and doing some of these.

I told her the extra work now will make everything easier later.  So far she is on board!  When I find more, I will share.  Many of you are doing your PTC now (or recently had them) and may be on the search, I hope this saves you time!!


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