Friday, November 19, 2010

First Thanksgiving at the Faircloughs

Thanksgiving 2010...we are going to change it up this year and we will be hosting Thanksgiving at chez Fairclough. I am actually really excited. I am the only one who eats turkey so we will just cancel the turkey and go for a whole chicken. I have started a menu and who is responsible for what. I bought those poppers where you pull the ends and a prize explodes in your face. The kids love those. I have the "kiddie table" and I am going to buy a new movie or something for the kids.

Is it so wrong that I chose simplicity over being eco-friendly? I just bought Thanksgiving day paper plates. I will put them in the recycling bin when we are done. Does that count? With 7 guests, 3 of them children, I will have enough of a mess to pick up I do not want to wash dishes. Let's say I am conserving the water and I will recycle the plates. We are even.

I do think this may be the best Thanksgiving ever. It will be laid back, drama-free, yummy and special. I will keep you posted!! 

I will also blog about how I survived and post some pictures! 


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